Administrating the server trouch RCON

Step 0:

To administrate the server you can use an RCon client which supports websockets.

An opensource RCON client can be downloaded at:

Step 1:

To connect to the server you need to locate the server and RCON port and IP address in the Elite Game Servers Control Panel.

Connection Info:
RCON Info:

The address consists of an IP address and port number, seperated by the semicolumn (:) icon.
As such the server IP in this example is:

The server port is the port from the connection info, in the example: 11778
The server port is the port from the RCON info, in the example: 11780

You should already know your RCON password, as you've configured it when you ordered or reinstalled the server.
If not look in the dewrito_prefs.cfg config file for the section: Server.RconPassword

Now that we have these details we can enter them in the RCON client and connect to the server.

When sucesfully connected you can use the following commands to administrate your server:

Server.AddBan - Adds to the ban list (does NOT kick anyone)
Server.AssassinationEnabled 0 - Controls whether assassinations are enabled on the server
Server.BottomlessClipEnabled 0 - Controls whether bottomless clip is enabled on the server
Server.CancelVote - Cancels the vote
Server.ChatCommandEndGameEnabled 1 - Controls whether or not players can vote to end the game.
Server.ChatCommandKickPlayerEnabled 1 - Controls whether or not players can vote to kick someone.
Server.ChatCommandShuffleTeamsEnabled 1 - Controls whether or not players can vote to shuffle the teams.
Server.ChatCommandVoteTime 45 - The number of seconds a chat command vote lasts
Server.ChatLogEnabled 1 - Controls whether chat logging is enabled
Server.ChatLogFile chat.log - Sets the name of the file to log chat to
Server.Countdown 5 - The number of seconds to wait at the start of the game
Server.CountdownLobby 3 - The number of seconds to wait in the lobby before the game starts
Server.DualWieldEnabled 1 - Controls whether dual wielding is enabled on the server
Server.FloodFilterEnabled 1 - Controls whether chat flood filtering is enabled
Server.FloodMessageScoreLong 5 - Sets the flood filter score for long messages
Server.FloodMessageScoreShort 2 - Sets the flood filter score for short messages
Server.FloodTimeoutResetSeconds 1800 - Sets the period in seconds before a spammer's next timeout is reset
Server.FloodTimeoutScore 10 - Sets the flood filter score that triggers a timeout
Server.FloodTimeoutSeconds 120 - Sets the timeout period in seconds before a spammer can send messages again
Server.HitMarkersEnabled 1 - Controls whether or not hitmarkers are enabled on this server
Server.KickBanIndex - Kicks and IP bans a player from the game by index (host only)
Server.KickBanPlayer - Kicks and IP bans a player from the game by name (host only)
Server.KickBanUid - Kicks and IP bans players from the game by UID (host only)
Server.KickIndex - Kicks a player from the game by index (host only)
Server.KickPlayer - Kicks a player from the game by name (host only)
Server.KickTempBanPlayer - Kicks and temporarily IP bans a player from the game by name (host only)
Server.KickTempBanUid - Kicks and temporarily IP bans players from the game by UID (host only)
Server.KickUid - Kicks players from the game by UID (host only)
Server.ListPlayers - Lists players in the game
Server.LobbyType - Changes the lobby type for the server. 0 = Campaign; 1 = Matchmaking; 2 = Multiplayer; 3 = Forge; 4 = Theater;
Server.MapVotingTime - Controls how long the vote lasts for Map Voting.
Server.MaxPlayers - Maximum number of connected players
Server.Message - Text to display on the loading screen (limited to 512 chars)
Server.Mode - Changes the network mode for the server. 0 = Xbox Live (Open Party); 1 = Xbox Live (Friends Only); 2 = Xbox Live (Invite Only); 3 = Online; 4 = Offline;
Server.Name - The name of the server (limited to 128 characters)
Server.NumberOfRevotesAllowed 3 - Controls how many revotes are allowed in the voting system
Server.NumberOfTeams 2 - Set the desired number of teams
Server.NumberOfVetoVotes 1 - Controls how many veto votes are allowed
Server.NumberOfVotingOptions 3 - Controls how many voting options are displayed
Server.PM - Sends a pm to a player as the server. First argument is the player name, second is the message in quotes
Server.Password  - The server password
Server.Ping - Ping a server
Server.PlayersInfo {} - Emblem and Rank info for each player
Server.ReloadVetoJson - Manually Reloads Json
Server.ReloadVotingJson - Manually Reloads Json
Server.Say - Sends a chat message as the server
Server.SendChatToRconClients 1 - Controls whether or not chat should be sent through rcon
Server.ShouldAnnounce 1 - Controls whether the server will be announced to the master servers
Server.ShuffleTeams - Evenly distributes players between the red and blue teams
Server.SprintEnabled 0 - Controls whether sprint is enabled on the server
Server.SubmitVote - Sumbits a vote
Server.TeamShuffleEnabled 1 - Controls whether or not the teams will be automatically shuffled before the game starts.
Server.TeamSize 1 - Set the minimum number of players each team must have before a new team is assigned
Server.TempBanDuration 2 - Duration of a temporary ban (in games)
Server.TimeBetweenVoteEndAndGameStart 4 - Controls how many seconds to wait after a vote passes before calling 'game.start'.
Server.Unannounce - Notifies the master servers to remove this server
Server.Unban - Removes from the ban list
Server.UnlimitedSprint 0 - Controls whether unlimited sprint is enabled on the server
Server.VetoJsonPath mods/server/veto.json - Veto Json Path
Server.VetoSystemEnabled 0 - Controls whether the veto system is enabled on this server.
Server.VetoSystemSelectionType 0 - 0 for random, 1 for ordered
Server.VetoVotePassPercentage 50 - Percentage of players that need to vote for it to pass
Server.VetoVoteTime 20 - The time a veto vote takes
Server.VetoWinningOptionShownTime 10 - The length of time the winning option is show
Server.VotePassPercentage 50 - Percentage of players required to vote yes for a chat command vote to pass
Server.VotingDuplicationLevel 1 - Whether duplicate voting options will be allowed.
Server.VotingEnabled 1 - Controls whether the map voting system is enabled on this server.
Server.VotingJsonPath mods/server/voting.json - Voting Json Path
Server.WebsocketInfo - Display the websocket password for the current server

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